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9006560500   PBL, swim or sink
2020-2021   Curs telemàtic (en línia asíncron). Educació Primària
   1/7/2021 - 16/7/2021 (30 hores) de h a h
   VT Curs a distància
   _ (A distància) 
Format   En línia
Sincronicitat    Asíncron
Organització   Servei de Formació i Desenvolupament Professional del Personal
Tipus activitat   BMES PBL, swim or sink
Inscripció   15/05/2021 - 30/05/2021
Descripció i   Metodologia:   How to teach from a blended perspective within a competence-based language teaching approach?
In this course we offer strategies to develop the Project-based learning methodological approach in these new circumstances, taking into account how we can make the most of blended learning strategies for the successful implementation of PBL units, and how ‘assessment as’ and ‘assessment for’ learning can be the perfect allies for an effective implementation.
The course will offer practical keys for the design and implementation of PBL units from a b-learning perspective, as a tool to promote cooperation among students, deal with diversity in the classroom, enrich our classes and promote students’ success.
Objectius   1. To get familiar with the PBL teaching approach and its designing process.
2. To put into practice peer-assessment and self-assessment tools to improve our own PBL units.
3. To make the most of ICT tools in order to fulfil our learning goals in a b-learning context.
Continguts   Module 1 Get to know each other and get familiar with blended learning and PBL (6h)
Previous knowledge: blended learning and PBL (questions to answer in the forum and Meet).
Blended learning. Creative Ways to Use Blended Learning Methods in the Class. Blended learning & flipped classroom. Blending technology and classroom learning.
Project-Based Learning. PBL and Projects are the same? Essentials for Project Based Learning. The 8 essentials. The four C’s (cooperation, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration).
Unit template (part 1).
Exit ticket to pass the module.

Module 2 Designing your b-learning unit (6h)
Best ingredients and scaffolding tips for a successful PBL unit. Building a checklist and a rubric to consider the PBL key points. Template for designing your unit with scaffold. Defining the most essential elements in the designing phase: competencies, learning objectives, driving question, final product, assessment criteria and levels of attainment. The PBL design rubric.
Why is a template a useful tool for planning?
Steps and ICT tools to design a PBL unit. Sharing your Google Docs unit and managing Drive environment. . Backwards planning. Backwards planning metaphor. Backwards planning or thinking ahead.
Unit template (part 2).
Exit ticket to pass the module.

Module 3 Assessment (6h)
Clarifying concepts: assessment for, as and of learning.
Assessment criteria and indicators.
Analysing and designing different assessment tools. Co-creating success criteria with students. Exit tickets ideas and rubrics. TAG strategy. Giving specific feedback.
Unit template part 3 and 4.
Exit ticket to pass the module.

Module 4 ICT tools with purpose (6h)
Using ICT resources to develop digital competence. The SAMR Model. Bloom’s Taxonomy and ICT. Meaningful Tech Integration. Distant learning solutions.
Using ICT resources to assess students. Google Docs Interaction. Google Forms. Vocaroo. Padlet. List of ICT resources.
Unit template (Activities using ICT tools). Trainees research and browse the provided lists of resources and articles to decide how to integrate b-learning within their PBL unit taking into account Bloom's digital taxonomy and/or The SAMR model.
Exit ticket to pass the module.

Module 5 Final task (6h)
Participants will design a PBL unit planning and its digital presentation. Then each participant will give feedback to at least 2 other presentations by carrying out the TAG strategy.

The PBL units will include the following sections:

All these PBL units will be shared in the cloud and they will be available for all participants.
Observacions   2 Google Meet sessions: (1h aprox. per meeting)
- Monday 5th of July between 15h and 17h.
- Monday 12th of July between 15h and 17h.
Formador/a   Mertixell Tomàs i Bruno Morejón
Avaluació   Positive attainment of the course activities.
Designing of an infographic to explain the PBL methodological approach.
Exit tickets at the end of each module.
Forum participation.
PBL unit (throughout the modules).
PBL unit digital presentation.
Satisfaction questionnaire.
Requisits de  certificació   Positive attainment of the course activities.
Designing of an infographic to explain the PBL methodological approach.
Exit tickets at the end of each module.
Forum participation.
PBL unit (throughout the modules).
PBL unit digital presentation.
Satisfaction questionnaire.
Persones  destinatàries   Primary English teachers with a B2 minimum.
1. Disposar d'usuari XTEC actiu.
2. Haver certificat les activitats de formació adjudicades durant aquest curs acadèmic i l'anterior.
Criteris específics d’adjudicació. Les sol•licituds admeses s'ordenaran en funció de:
1.Vinculació al centre de treball 2.1.Funcionari 2.2.Interí 2.3. Substitut
2.Nivell de llengua C2,C1,B2.
Si ets docent d'un centre concertat, municipal o les acreditacions d’especialitat i/o nivell de llengua (C2, C1 o B2) requerides a la convocatòria no consten a l’ATRI, caldrà omplir aquest FORMULARI dins del període de sol•licitud.
Consulteu: RESOLUCIÓ ENS/2480/2017
E-mail   estiullengues@xtec.cat

Generalitat de Catalunya
Departament d'Educació
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